If You’re Diabetic, A Stroke Is Like Sitting In The Electric Chair

2 min readDec 26, 2020


I researched hard. I called universities to question them. I found medical journals dating 10 years back.

I trawled through hundreds of diabetes studies on the internet.

But the advice I kept seeing was no different to what my doctor always told me.

Take your meds, avoid too much sugar.

It was this so-called advice that almost caused me brain damage from a diabetic coma and took me to the brink of leg amputation.

I took myself to the point of exhaustion searching late into the night on medical research websites and waking up early day after day…

My wife had to stop me because the stress was getting too much.

I decided to take a break.

My son Julian was due to visit with his fiancée from Japan, and I wanted to help them plan the wedding to make it the best ever.

After all, it could be the last family event of my life.

The next morning as I had coffee with my son Julian and his fiancée Noriko over breakfast, I told them about my frustrations with my diabetes research.

Maybe Noriko can help, Julian said.

She majored in health science in Japan.

In Japan they target the root cause of health problems.

Here in the US and other western countries, we manage the symptoms with medication…

And that’s why in Japan they have far lower levels of diabetes type 2, heart disease, obesity and cancer and why they live much longer than us on average.

Then, Noriko told me about a maverick American medical professor who was based in Japan.

His name was Professor James Freeman and he was known in her country for his pioneering research in diabetes …


